NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Quits!!!
It’s been all the talk since Rachel Dolezal family put her on BLAST about NOT being black so NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Quits.
Yesterday, Rachel postponed her racial identity meeting after her parents BLASTED the blonde haired fair skinned Spokane native.
According to NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal herself, everyone is way too hung up on her race, so she’s resigning as President of the group’s Spokane chapter. has this report:
Dolezal, the white woman who’s been passing as black for years, wrote a letter to the NAACP, saying she was leaving her post because “the dialogue has unexpectedly shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity.”
Really was that the reason?
You mean it wasn’t the fact that she lied about her ethnic background?
We understand being part of something you believe in, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, but it’s LYING to everyone to get the job.
Before walking out the door, Dolezal listed her accomplishments during her time in office, and said she remains committed to fighting “for what is right and good in this world.”
Dolezal offered no explanation for why she pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes for at least 8 years … according to her parents.
For what it’s worth — Rachel’s VP, Naima Quarles-Burnley, is taking over as president. No word on her ethnicity.
She probably meant well, but she didn’t have to lie to help change the world.
What do you think?