Michael B. Jordan Dusts Off Racists over Human Torch Role
Earlier this week Michael B. Jordan and the whole cast of the Fantastic Four reboot was revealed and now he’s dealing with racism?
Now it’s official, and Jordan was named for the part of the Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four film set for 2015 fans of the comic book have been lashing out.
See, the original comic book character is white and fans of the character have taken to social media in droves to slam the studio’s choice in giving the role to Jordan. And it’s all because they aren’t too happy a black actor got the role.
Interestingly enough, Michael B. Jordan could care less. When TMZ caught up with him recently and asked him how he felt about the backlash, he shrugged his shoulders and said:
“Eh, they’re still going to see it anyway.”
Great answer Michael! That’s how you deal with racists!
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