MC Supreme Killed In Malibu!?!
On Saturday 47-years old rapper, Dewayne Coleman, best known as MC Supreme Killed In Malibu, California. has this report of the tragic event:
MC Supreme was killed when he was parked on the shoulder of the Pacific Coast Highway, and was hit by a pick-up truck.
Supreme was pronounced dead at the scene, while a female in the passenger side was taken to the hospital with unspecified injuries, according to os Angeles County coroner’s officials.
It was also revealed that the pick-up truck driver was arrested on suspicion of a DUI.
MC Supreme is best known for his 1990 single “Black In America,” has died in a car crash in Malibu.
“Black In America,” appeared on the compilation album We’re All In The Same Gang, which was the album’s title track was a rally for anti-violence.
Coleman’s sister, Irene, told City News Service her brother was dedicated to working with young people and steering them from gangs.