(CelebNMusic247) Matt Barnes Talks Gloria Govan & His New NBA Home:
The day after the premiere of the new season of Basketball Wives LA aired, NBA free agent Matt Barnes visited Power 105?s ‘The Breakfast Club’.
Barnes chopped it up with the morning crew to dispel that he dated Eva Longoria, discuss his relationship with Gloria Govan, while promoting the stand up movement.
Currently Barnes and Govan are not together, they’re trying to work things out relationship wise, and for the record they are NOT married.
What we find interesting about the Italian/Black baller is that he touches on growing up not being dark enough and not being light enough. – he touches on being bullied and more.
One thing you may not know about Matt Barnes is he is a true philanthropist. He is always about charities and movements the he believes in.
Here are some highlights from his interview:
On if he and Gloria Govan are back together:
“We’ve got a family, I put no one above, before my family. I just think it comes to a point where you kinda wake up and realize what’s important.”
“I was never really to heavy into Basketball Wives. I don’t think teams look too highly on reality shows.”
On if he’s experienced karma in his relationship with Gloria:
“It never gives them a pass, but Karma is a mother. It’s a part of growing up, it’s a part of relationships.”
Watch Matt Barnes interview courtesy of the Breakfast Club:
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