Marc Anthony Being Bashed For Being UnAmerican

84th MLB All-Star Game

(CelebNMusic247-NewsMarc Anthony Being Bashed For Being UnAmerican

Once again MLB fans are lashing out at a Latino singer singing the National Anthem as a baseball game!

It is sound more and more like racism is on the rise, since Trayvon Martin‘s killer George Zimmerman got a hand slap on the wrists and set free and earlier this year baseball fans are having issues with Latins who are born in this country singing the national Anthem.

Baseball fans took to Twitter last night to protest another Latino singing at a national sporting event, but this is how stupid they are, because Marc Anthony is Puerto Rican, not Mexican and he is was born New York City. He happens to be an internationally know latino singer and is huge in many Latin countries.

Before people start sounding off on Twitter do your damn research and get facts before you spit hatred!

If your fat @ss can sit in the stands hand kick back beers and fill your belly with hotdogs and other sporting event foods does NOT give you the right to bash a man who is singing.

Marc Anthony is just as American as any sports fan! He has the right to sing the National Anthem just like a Pakistan, Israli, Asian, African-American, Latino, Dominican, South American, or any Caucasian because all those races are born in America!

Some fans watching Tuesday’s All Star Game were outraged that Anthony sang the traditional God Bless America performance during the seventh inning stretch, calling him “un-American.” Others criticized the way Anthony pronounced his words such as rolling his r’s in “America.”

Just because the color of his skin is NOT white does NOT mean has no right to sing the National Anthem?

Here is what fans posted on Twitter last night:

Spencer Babcock (@jakebabcock) writes:

“Why is Marc Anthony singing “God Bless America?” He’s not even American. Shoulda got someone sweet like Kesha”

Jerrell Rock Golden (@SirRock1001) remarks:

“Marc Anthony singing God Bless America on the MLB Allstar Game……….am I the only person that finds that unAmerican!!!?”

While  Savannah Graham (@savgraham) had this nasty remark:

“Marc Anthony isn’t even American. He just rolled his “r” in God Bless America.”

Brian Edwards (@Dusboy7) fired this shot:

“Another disgrace Marc Anthony singing god bless America.Is he even an American citizen?”

The problem is ignorance and racism! That’s the bottom line because like we said before Marc Anthony is born and raised in New York! He heritage is Puerto Rican which is also an American Territory!

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