(CelebNMusic247-News) Ludacris Speaks on Fast & The Furious 7
Ludacris can be seen in the new Fast & Furious 6 installment, but Luda reveals that part 7 will tie in all of the films…
Luda says the movie took six months to film and currently the cast is currently promoting part 6 which will elude to part 3. All the films takes place between part 2 and 3.
And don’t leave after the credits, because the end of this film gives you the drop on part 7. Now if you remember the worst film of the franchise aka Toyko drift, which introduces Han (Sung Kang) and Bow Wow as Twinkie. The movie was terrible, but it had some great race car driving scenes.
Anyways, Luda reveal that the writers are already working on the seventh installment and soon it will be back to the grind filming the final leg of the franchise that ties all the movies together.
c=3Ludacris Talks Fast &Furious 7-Fast N FruoisWe can’t wait, but as for now, check Ludacris on the BootlegKev from Pheonix AZ. show.
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