Lorenzo Gordon Cheating on Brittish Williams?
The media is jumping on Brittish claiming that her fiancee Lorenzo Gordon is cheating on her, but during our EXCLUSIVE interview Brittish revealed she knows of his past.
Basketball Wives LA” newbie Brittish Williams said on a recent episode of the reality show that she didn’t care if her fiancé Lorenzo Gordon cheated. Even when Emilio of CelebNMusic247.com and asked Brittish about Lorenzo cheating she explained to us that he has in the past and they’ve worked it out.
Brittish also spoke to us about how she and Lorenzo have a relationship that works for them. Despite what Jackie Christie has advised her, Brittish is more than comfortable with her relationship and does NOT need to doubt her engagement falling apart.
Here is where the ish gets turnt up – her fiancé Lorenzo Gordon apparently has been put on BLAST for cheating on Brittish. CelebNMusic247.com has learned some new tea according to the latest gossip that Gordon has been allegedly having an affair and even told the woman his engagement to Brittish is just for the show.
In fact, the report claims he’s cheating on Brittish with an up and coming model from Houston. Here is what Bossip is reporting on the Basketball Wives LA star and her man.
According to the insider, Brittish is still unaware of the affair. “When they first met he lied and said she was just his girlfriend,” our insider dished. “After he was called out for having a tattoo on his finger he admitted they were engaged but he said he didn’t want to marry her because she wouldn’t sign a prenup and that everything was for the show.”
To make matters worse for Brittish and Lorenzo, Bossip even has text messages allegedly between Lorenzo and the model that seem pretty inappropriate for an engaged man.
Could this be true or is this just another fabrication from the rumor mill to heat up the series ratings?
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