(CelebNMusic247) Legendary Singer Andy Williams Dies
Legendary crooner Andy Williams dies at age 84.
He passed away of bladder cancer in his home in Branson, Mo. Andy Williams was well-known for his hit song “Moon River”. In Branson, he owned the Moon River Theater named after his signature song. Mr. Williams was a powerful and popular voice of the 1960”s. He also hosted his own TV variety show from 1962 to 1971. He also hosted many Christmas television specials which kept him in the charts into the 1970’s. Andy Williams was given the name “Mr. Christmas” as he recorded eight Christmas albums.
Mr. Williams even hosted the first live Grammy Awards for seven years in a row. He had 18 gold records, 3 platinum records and 5 of his own Grammy nominations. “The Andy Williams Show” won 3 Emmys. He was a strong force in the music industry and will be greatly missed. He had an extremely successful career of his generation from his crossover from music to television. His easy listening “natural style” of music as he called it and TV shows will live on forever.
CelebNMusic247 sends their love and support to his family.
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