(CelebNMusic247-News) Lamar Odom Skips Out on Rehab
Almost every media outlet has announced that Lamar Odom had taken himself to rehab and kick his cocaine habit, but now news has surfaced that the NBA baller is nowhere to be found?
According to some, he most definitely IS in rehab, and some are even saying he’s doing it for career, not family. But, now, word is coming out that the b-ball player and reality husband didn’t actually check into REHAB!
Jinkies Velma, what to do?
Here’s the drop:
We know that Lamar has simply gone off the radar with the Kardashians, but where the heck is he if he’s not in rehab??
Others are pret-ty sure he’s getting help, so perhaps he’s at some magical retreat that offers some sort of miracle treatment!
We don’t know who to believe 100% quite yet, but rest assured: we much prefer the stories of him getting help to those where he isn’t. We’d rather it be true that he’s taking steps to pull him out of this spiral — nobody wants to see him get hurt, or hurt others!
While Celebpress is reporting that Lamar Odom has left rehab after one day. Two sources stated that the athlete was seen walking out of rehab on Thursday afternoon.
Also, this is not the first time we hear about the star’s drug problems. The free agent was arrested just last week for DUI because of his drug use. He has also failed NBA’s drug test twice in 2001.
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