La La’s Full Court Life: Hashtag Uncomfortable


La La’s Full Court Life: Hashtag Uncomfortable!

On tonight’s episode of La La’s Full Court Life Dice is back and she is NOT feeling La La’s new gay assistant Justin after her girlfriend called her out on not having a career.

Dice comes back to New York to see her cousin La La and Dice instantly clashes with Justin making things completely uncomfortable. Hashtag Uncomfortable!

Dice is obviously angry with herself because she is trying to get out of La La’s shadow, but as soon as she left New York her position working with La La’s clothing line has been filled by Justin. She quickly goes into the defensive hating on Justin and making everything about her problems. La La check her and put things into perspective.

Dice gets check as she should be!


Later, La La decides to take her family, Justin and Po‘s girl, Ida, to a Ski resort for some fun and to let everyone get to know each other.

Dice once again starts up hating on Justin and her Karma slaps her in the face when Dice collides with Po head-on while tubing with her face.

Check it:

Dice needs a personality check.

Last week on La La Full Court Life La and Dice are living divided lives after a huge fight has caused a rift between the normally close cousins.
