Kenny Miles Admits To Pulling A Plaxico?


(CelebNMusic247-News) Kenny Miles Admits To Pulling A Plaxico

Former South Carolina running back Kenny Miles admits to lying about getting shot.

You would think he would have just told the truth, but it seems lying sounded so much better. That is why South Carolina running back Kenny Miles told a fib about omeone tried to rob him for his money and championship rings and shot him on November 4.

In reality, Miles pulled a Plaxico  Burress and shot himself.

Here’s the drop according to Sporting News [via BSO]:

Miles said in the statement issued by attorney Neal Lourie:

“I was scared and worried how my actions would be perceived. I only made matters worse by not telling the truth. I make no excuses for my behavior.”

The county sheriff did not find this very funny. Here is his statement:

“We did a very intensive investigation — wasted a lot of manpower, a lot of time on,” Lott said at the news conference in Columbia. “I hope the courts rule that he will reimburse the sheriff’s department and the taxpayers of Richland County for the time and effort we put into it.”

I can understand that Miles was embarrassed to tell the police that he shot himself like Cheddar Bob in 8 Mile, however it’s really not a good look to just flat out lie to the cops.  So we have our response to his lying mishap to sum it all up!