Kel Mitchell Bounces Back From Depression and Drugs!!!
You might say Kel fell into the pitfalls of child stars after his career hit a wall, his shows were canceled, Kel Mitchell Bounces Back From Depression and Drugs
We all remember Nickelodeon’s “All That,” “Kenan & Kel,” and in the spin-off film “Good Burger” star Kel Mitchell, thankfully Kel Mitchell Bounces Back From Depression and Drugs? has learned that Kel Mitchell is battling depression and drugs via PageSix:
Kel told People:
“As a young actor there are ups and downs.”
“And when you get to that down part, there are times you feel like no on can relate to you. When Britney Spears shaved her head, I understood that.”
After his marriage crumbled with Tyisha Hampton (2004) Mitchell, 37, suffered from depression, suicidal thoughts and used drugs.
Mitchell says:
“After my divorce I just felt like life was not working out.”
Thankfully for Mitchell he found a guiding light as a stage manager for a nondenominational church in Los Angeles after feeling “lost and looking for answers.”
He shared:
“Before, it was just about me, but now it is more about Christ.”
“That’s when things started to turn around in my life. I went through a rough time, but now I have peace.”
Today, Mitchell, who “enjoy[s] living this life,” is re-married to designer and rapper Asia Lee. He’s also got positive relationships with his children from his first marriage, son Lyric, 16, and daughter Allure, 13.
These days Kel doesn’t “let things frustrate or worry me anymore. I don’t do that because I have peace in my heart.” He has turned things back around and has returned to the network that made him a household name in a new show “Game Shakers.”
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