(CelebNMusic247-News) Kanye West Makes Nice with Paparazzi!
Kanye West was approached by paparazzi while getting gas on Friday, but the hot head seems to be much calmer since he aired his feeling on Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday night.
Although Kanye was order to stay away from paps, today he took the time to explain to the paps that people don’t know what he is doing when they approach him with cameras and videos. While Ye was approached at a gas station in Los Angeles he was trying to handle a business call but had to quickly hang up when cameras came up on him.
Here’s the drop:
West explains that he’s concerned about how their behavior will affect his daughter North when she gets a little older.
The rapper hasinfamously gotten physical with photographers in the past, but recently praised them in France, and was happy to discuss his perspective at length on Friday.
He mentioned the recent harassment of Suri Cruise and expressed fears that North would face similar treatment one day.
Then he got reflective.
“We’re in this together… You guys help me influence, you help with the family, you help Kim [Kardashian’s] power and everything… I would prefer that we just have a decent relationship,” West told the assembled paparazzi.”
Let’s be honest, Kanye West is like no other singer, he continues to push the envelope in music, has a keen ear for great beats, he fashion forward and may come off weird and abrupt, but that’s who he is…A great artist with vision that surpasses most.
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