K Michelle New Video ‘I Just Wanna’

(CelebNMusic247-News) K Michelle New Video ‘I Just Wanna’

Thank God K Michelle prove Love & Hip Hop Atlanta has a real R&B artist on the show!

K Michelle drops her new video “I Just Wanna” which proves she can blow…in fact Keysha Cole better watch out because there’s a new R&B songstress on the scene that brings that street R&B sound back to music like Mary J Blige and Keyshia did in the beginning of their careers.

The song is great! K Michelle deserves this new album even though many call her a ratchet reality TV star from Atlanta’s Love & Hip Hop.

Michelle herself explains “This album is from my heart to yours. Take a look inside my journey and get to know me as an artist.”

Watch the video below:

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