Justin Bieber Rejects Plea Deal
Justin Bieber will reject the plea deal prosecutors in his Miami Beach DUI case have offered and a big reason is because he doesn’t want random drug testing.
Prosecutors offered Bieber a deal they often give to first-time DUI offenders it includes community service, an alcohol ed course and random drug testing. CelebNMusic247.com has got the details on Justin Bieber and his DUI plea deal he was offered.
Sources connected to Bieber say there are several reasons they aren’t buying what prosecutors are selling. First, there are huge problems with the case. They believe the cop lied when he said Bieber reeked of booze (he only blew a .014), and he was also lying about observing Bieber drag race; the GPS device registered a very reasonable 27 MPH.
But the bigger issue is this: sources say Bieber will not accept any plea that has probation where the judge can throw the book at him if he screws up.
In particular there’s NO WAY Bieber will agree to random drug testing. Fact is he has a problem with weed and sizzurp. If you don’t understand his worry, just rememberLindsay Lohan, who became a habitual probation offender for more than 7 years.
Also, Justin will not accept an alcohol ed course as part of a plea deal, because he’d become a spectacle.
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