Justin Bieber Looks Like Tilda Swinton!!!
We are HUGE fans of the talented Tilda who recently has a clone made in the shape of singer since Justin Bieber Looks Like Tilda Swinton with his new hairstyle.
Let’s put it like this, it works for Tilda, because she is a woman. It makes Justin look like a woman, so if that is what he’s going for then awesome dude, go for it.
You might ask why did Justin go platinum?
According to an inside source, Justin is extremely superstitious, so he went platinum as a metaphor for his upcoming album, which he is praying will go platinum as well.
We guess, Tilda Jr is hoping for acknowledgement from the Grammy’s this year?
However, the source reveals:
“His mind is all about going platinum with his music and album.”
“He is very superstitious, and he honestly believes if he thinks about something, it will come true.”
Bieber could pass a Tilda younger sibling.
We wonder if these two have met?
What do you think?