Justin Bieber Lashes Out at Media

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsJustin Bieber Lashes Out at Media?

Once again Chris Brown number 2, Justin Bieber has posted not one, but two half-naked photos of himself for no apparent reason on Monday.

The narcissistic teen, who’s currently in Denver for his Believe tour, habitually puts his abs and growing tattoo collection on display on his Instagram account every chance he can get and now he’s lashing out at the media, whining why is the media attacking me?

Here’s the drop:

The 19-year-old party boy recently made headlines for his immature behavior and got banned for life from a skydiving facility in Vegas. While at the skydiving center the Bieb’s was spotted with his new girlfriend and married woman. It was reported that he got cozy with a Vegas waitress, and brought a mystery gal back to his hotel at 6 in the morning.

Though Justin seems to be keeping a positive perspective, he lashed out at the media on his twitter saying:

“Interesting how some people in the media wanna take shots at me for no reason. all good. keeping it positive over here. all about the music”

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Can anyone answer why is Bieber sporting another comically large baseball cap, sagging pants and gold fingerless gloves?

Hopefully Justin stays keeps his alleged 9.4 million Instagram followers at a stand still since Instagram and Twitter are now scanning to see if the followers are paid or organic. Earlier this year, Bieb’s account alerted Twitter and many celebrity accounts dropped from millions to thousands after his account surpassed the number of real Twitter accounts. Celebrity accounts that were effected was Rihanna, Lady Gaga and a few more, not to mention Bieber’s.