(CelebNMusic247-News) JR Smith Responds to K Michelle
Last week K. Michelle went on Power 105 The Breakfast Club and talked about the time she got dissed so hard by New York Knicks JR Smith!
During the interview the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta star, K Michelle said she had been totally in love with JR and that her entire new album was about him.
Why does K Michelle sound like many women who get caught up on a guy without consulting the guy that they’re on chapter 10 while the guy is still on page 2?
She seems real desperate for a man and seems to have a thing for bad boys, which she obviously can’t handle like Toya Wright who is with her ex-Memphitz.
Just keeping it real K!
Someone needs to hand you the memo…
Let’s be real they both got something out of it, even though she claims he used her for her coochie, but she flipped it and used him to make an album.
JR responds to the dubious honor:
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k need to just do music = jeezy