Jim Jones Fires Back Over Racial Profiling

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(CelebNMusic247-NewsJim Jones Fires Back Over Racial Profiling

Last week rapper Jim Jones is claiming that he was racially profiled at the Newark Airport.

According to Capo, he was pulled over by four white police officers, and ordered out of the car as they searched his vehicle for drugs. Apparently, Jones was picking up a friend at the airport when he was approached by the cops, who said that they smelled weed coming from the car.

They immediately has Jones place his hands on the trunk as they searched his car. No only was it humiliating and completely unnecessary, the police found NOTHING in his vehicle!

And to make matters worse, he was issued a citation for driving without a license.

Capo’s attorney said:

“He was searched for nothing more than racial profiling.”

A rep for the NY/NJ Port Authority told TMZ they knew nothing of the situation and are currently looking into it.

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