Houston Says No To Kanye’s New Slaves


(CelebNMusic247-News) Houston Says No To Kanye’s New Slaves

Last week, Kanye West “New Slaves” video was set to be projected on several buildings in cities across the world last night (May 24th) for the second time.

The only problem was the city of Houston said noway to the rapper’s unique promotional ploy.

Here’s the drop:

According to reports, Kanye’s plan to project a visual onto the Rothko Chapel Central library and the George Bush Monument didn’t quite come to fruition.

Houston police shut down the Rothko showing and ordered the crowd to disburse or be arrested for trespassing.

The Bush screening just didn’t take place. Fan Janet Quiroa said people were waiting for a showing that never happened.

Quiroa said:

“All we saw were the sprinklers come on and obnoxious people screaming Kanye threats.”