(CelebNMusic247-News) Has The NAACP’s Gone Too Far?
The NAACP’s is obviously trying to strike a nerve and get a reaction and make people aware of what’s going on with their official magazine cover.
In a commentary upon Justice Antonin Scalia’s statement that the Voting Rights Act is a “perpetuation of racial entitlement,” The NAACP’s official magazine’s cover depicts the conservative justice wrapped in Confederate swag:
Scalia’ comment, and the NAACP’s commentary upon it, highlights one of the many pitfalls facing the Republican Party as it attempts to rebrand itself as a party that can potentially appeal to voters of color. Just a few weeks after Scalia’s “racial entitlement” comment, the Republican National Committee released an “autopsy” of it’s 2012 election losses claiming that “the Republican Party must be committed to building a lasting relationship within the African American community year-round” and that “[i]t is imperative that the RNC changes how it engages with Hispanic communities to welcome in new members of our Party.”
Meanwhile, while Scalia’s four fellow Republican justices do not share his penchant for offensive rhetoric, they appear poised to join Scalia strike down a key prong of the Voting Rights Act that likely did more than any other law to bury Jim Crow. Similarly, on the same day that the RNC released its autopsy, three top Republicans responded to President Obama’s nomination of Assistant Attorney GeneralTom Perez to lead the Labor Department with racially charged attacks. The next day, Arkansas Republicans voted to enact a law suppressing the minority vote in that state.
In other words, the GOP’s efforts to reach out to minority voters seems to be in tension with the fact that GOP politicians would rather engage in racially charged rhetoric and prevent people of color from casting a vote.
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