(CelebNMusic247-News) Harrison Ford Confirms Return To Star Wars
Harrison Ford is coming back to reprise his definitive role as the fast talking space cassanova in Star Wars 7.
The circle is now complete!
Harrison Ford will now join his old cast mates Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill in the upcoming sequel! Now that the original cast is locked into place the film is well under way and the script going through some tweaks, especially with Ford’s request that has many fans shocked.
We have learned that Harrison had some interesting demands, which may lead to Han being killed off in the upcoming Star Wars Episode 7.
Harrison claims Han Solo was originally supposed to die in Return of the Jedi, but George Lucas scrapped the idea because it could hurt action figure sales!
Han is one of the most famous actors to move on from the Star Wars franchise, having a successful career as an actor, but will fans be able to handle one their favorite character killed in the up coming and long awaited sequel?
One source said:
“Harrison is open to the idea of doing the movie and he’s upbeat about it, all three of them are.”
We sure hope not! If they could put off Solo’s death scene until Episodes 8 or 9 that would most likely apease fans and Star Wars die hard’s.
Not to mention the Young Han movie! We figure he could tell the story in flashback! Hey, whatever gets us Ford more years!
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