(CelebNMusic247-News) Gwyneth Paltrow Named Most Beautiful Woman:
She has an Oscar, a rocker husband, two children, and now the title of World’s Most Beautiful Woman. Gwyneth Paltrow, 40, graces the cover of People magazine’s Most Beautiful People issue.
“I can’t believe it,” Paltrow said of the magazine’s honor. “I kept thinking, ‘This can’t be true.’ I’ve never been more surprised or flattered.”
Adele, Beyonce, Jennifer Lawrence, and Kristen Stewart are among the many other stars who made People’s “Most Beautiful” list.
Paltrow works out two hours every day, and says her regular workouts can be “a nightmare,” but that she pushes herself to do them by viewing staying in shape as part of her job. “Let’s face it, it’s much easier to just chill out and watch TV,” she said.
Although her new cookbook, “It’s All Good,” stresses a strict diet, Paltrow admits that after a careful day of watching what she eats, she lets herself eat whatever she wants for dinner. “Because I want to enjoy my life and I love pasta,” she told the magazine.
She also talked to the magazine about her marriage to Coldplay rocker Chris Martin. “I never make him feel hemmed in or like he’s in trouble,” she said. “And on a personal level, as friends, we really get along.”
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