(CelebNMusic247-News) Gunplay Admits to Struggles with Cocaine Addiction
When it comes to talking about Cocain abuse and his drug history, MMG rapper Gunplay isn’t shy one bit!
The Maybach Music Group rapper was frank and forthcoming about his past, explaining that he was struggling with addiction for several years.
Gunplay, born Richard Morales Jr., revealed during an appearance on MTV‘s RapFix Live, saying:
“I was on cocaine since, like, 10 years, 12 years, something like that. I wasn’t junktified where I was stealing stuff and stuff like that, but it was my thing.”
“I have a strong will. I quit cigarettes early this year, cold turkey. Whatever I put my mind to, whatever I wanna do, I’m strong like that. If I wanted to quit smoking reefer — it’s nothing.”
He also recalled when he decided to quit:
Play adds:
“That happened Memorial [Day] Weekend 2008.”
“I was on the beach, I was just goin’ hard and just took my last blast and said, ‘Man, I’m tired of my nose hurtin’, tired of looking all drawed up.”
Without the drug, Gunplay said he now sees a difference in his music as well.
He explains:
“The drugs just enhance what you’re thinking but when you’re sober, you speak from the heart and it’s not just rambling on — it makes sense.”
“Now you get to analyze every word and every bar and you make sure everything is on time.”
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