(CelebNMusic247-News) Gary Coleman‘s Life Remembered
In a retrospective exhibition in his native Chicago, Illinois the former Different Strokes child star Gary Coleman‘s young life is to be remembered.
Coleman’s poetry, illustrations and correspondence with stars like Bob Hope and Lucille Ball will be on display for three months at the Museum of Broadcast Communications from 26 June (13).
Gary passed away in May of 2010 from a brain haemorrhage. Coleman’s estranged parents have been collecting memorabilia and artefacts from their son’s life for the new museum piece over the past year.
Coleman’s former agent Vic Perillo tells Wenn:
“When Gary died, much of the attention was focused on his divorce and his parents, but he is arguably one of the greatest child actors of all time. It’s time for a celebration of his life and it’s fitting that it should launch in his home town.”
“There are letters from Bob Hope and Lucille Ball, a videotaped segment from Norman Lear and we’re still hoping to get a letter from Nancy Reagan. I have asked her office if she would write something as she was very fond of Gary.”