(CelebNMusic247) Game Says Wedding Is Off Again!
We know many people had no clue that Game had secretly called the wedding back on.
Welp, that has all changed and we are back to square on, since West Coast rapper Game called off his wedding to his fiance Tiffney Cambridge again.
Back in July, Game announce that he and Tiffney Cambridge’s wedding is a NO GO, calling off his relationship with his bride-to-be.
Game took to his Twitter to admit that the split is entirely his fault:
He Tweeted:
“The rumors are TRUE. The wedding is OFF.”
“It’s not her fault, it’s mine ! She’s a GREAT woman, I just wasn’t man enough 2 see it through… Not everyone has a happy ending.”
Now, the renewed wedding confirmation has been called it BACK OFF., because Game and Tiffney Cambridge need to work on themselves first, according to Game.
Game tells MTV News:
“The engagement, as of right now, you know what? We’re just working on us. We’re working on the family aspect, working on getting stronger as friends and trying to build a foundation and not (be) so worried about a day or paperwork or a ring or food or flowers.”
“(We’re) just working on us, because that’s the thing about it – with relationships, not even marriage – both people, everything has to be weighed evenly, or it’s not going to work, so we’ve got work to do.”
Wow, someone can’t make up their mind?