(CelebNMusic247-News) Game Giving Away 1 Milli with RobinHoodProject
West Cast rapper Game has a big heart and is giving Game away 1 Million dollar with his RobinHoodProject, like Elvis from Mexico and many more.
The Game announcing a new project called “The Robin Hood Project” he is starting, he will be giving away $1 Million dollars of his own money to people all over the world! We think this is truly amazing. Games made the official announcement that he will be giving away $1 million dollars.
He writes:
“The other day I posted this pic of an African child I met in Australia playing outside the grocery store. His story of his families hardships & struggles to get away from the terror they left behind touched me so I gave him what I had on me… Which was an Australian $20 bill. As the days passed, I thought about him over & over & over & the only thing that bothered me about that night was that I didn’t have more on me to give him at that time. For some reason I just didn’t bring more money from the hotel. Since I can’t shake that feeling… I have decided to give $1,000,000 (1 million dollars) to people I come in contact with around the world everyday until Christmas. Don’t even know if thats possible but I’ve set my heart on trying !!! I’ve created a new account specifically for those who would like to FOLLOW @therobinhoodproject & support me on this journey. I ask myself all the time why my heart allows me to do the things it does. Still waiting on an answer………. Please hash tag #TheRobinHoodProject & tag friends you think will be touched or supportive to this movement…. sincerest thanks “– The Game
Game continues with his #TheRobinHoodProject while in Mexico and in Australia last week helping two different men who needed money, but didn’t ask. But that’s only just a couple of the people that Jayceon Terrell Taylor, better known by his stage name The Game or simply Game helped while on his world tour. You can call him the Robin Hood or better yet follow Game’s movement @therobinhoodproject.
Here is what Game writes about Elvis in Mexico:
“Meet Elvis everyone, 29 year old waiter at a restaurant by my crib. He’s always very polite when I come in & smiles so much I had to ask him one.. “Man, why you smile so damn much ha ha ha” he replied “Because I’m happy” .. I then asked why & he said because I have a woman who loves me & we have 3 kids & are getting married sometime soon & this life was always my dream… To come to California from Mexico & work hard to provide for my family” … Well it’s been 10 years since Elvis left home in Mexico & he been grinding for his family at the restaurant the entire time…. So the 1st thing I did before I went home was stop by to bless Elvis wit $350 as an additional tip & I didn’t even order food.#TheRobinHoodProjecf strikes again….. Follow@therobinhoodproject if this story touches you & tag anyone you think would appreciate it. Hash tag us if you do your own good deed” – The Game
And while in Australia Game writes this about an Aboriginal descent living in Redfern:
“Meet Max, the oldest living human of Aboriginal descent living in Redfern… a deeply rooted Aborigine sub division just right outside the city of Sydney in Australia…. I met Max while walking the streets in Redfern & talked to another native named Byron who gave me a brief history lesson on the origin of his people….. I’ll keep it short but just in case you didn’t know… Aboriginals were the 1st known humans on the planet earth dating back 40,000 years which to me is krazy being I had no idea…… So long story short, it was Kool being able to contribute to the oldest Aboriginal in Redfern’s struggles…. $100 may not be a lot to you, but to Max who is well respected around here it would help him with meds & food for the next month…… Follow@therobinhoodproject to keep up with me on my journey as I try to give the world back $1,000,000 one person at a time… Hash tag#therobinhoodproject as well as tag a few people you think would be motivated by what I’m doing…” Thank you – The Game
Here are more people that Game has helped along his tour of the world. It may NOT be a lot to many but it means a lot to the few souls he touched along his journey.
Please support this and follow the instagram account here:http://instagram.com/therobinhoodproject
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