(CelebNMusic247-News) Florida Sheriff Demands FGCU Ludacris Concert Shut Down
After word reached Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott that Kendrick Lamar and Ludacris were both invited to perform at Florida Gulf Coast University at the Eaglepalooza concert in November her voiced his opinion!
The Florida Sheriff immediately emailed the president Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) making his anger known! Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott now is wondering why Florida Gulf Coast University has hired the Grammy-winning rapper to headline the Nov. 24 Eaglepalooza concert to be held at the county-owned JetBlue Park.
Sheriff Mike Scott writes in his email to cancel the Kendrick Lamar and Ludacris for their usage of the N-Word in their lyrics.
The Lee County Sheriff states:
“I agree that the N-word is perhaps, if not absolutely, the most corrosive, divisive, hurtful, painful word that anybody can use in our vocabulary. So I remain confused why an institution of higher learning would invite a group … that every other word out of their mouth is the N-word, the M-Fer, this ho and that ho, this b*tch and that b*tch, violence and references to illegal drugs.”
He makes valid points that he finds it hypocritical that rappers can use the word so frequently but Paula Deen was slammed for using the N-Word from something that happened 30 years ago!
Scott adds:
“As a parent of an FGCU graduate and a current, FGCU Senior; I am very disappointed that “Dunk City” will apparently lower its standard in welcoming such vile communication not even fit for “Sin City.” As a concerned American, I remain confused as to the double standards and hypocrisies that events like this demonstrate at a time when Paula Dean became a negative, national headline for using the “n-word” some thirty (30) years ago.”
Although, the Mike Scott had validity to his statement and concerns, he was quickly shut down by The president of the university!
The president of the university Wilson Bradshaw (who is a black man) responded to the sheriff’s email and said he feels the musical taste of the students don’t represent him and his only job is to make sure the concert will be a safe one.
He fired back saying:
“As a university president — black or white — periodically there are expressed views related to students and faculty that the president doesn’t personally or professionally sanction or share. In this case, our students indicated a strong interest in inviting these performers to Eaglepalooza, and our staff assures me they are doing everything possible to ensure a safe and enjoyable event for the attendees.”
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