(CelebNMusic247-News) Fantasia Opens Up About Weight Loss
Fantasia has shed 50 pounds and undergone a complete image makeover. The singer explained what motivated her to get fit and healthy and how much exercise has become a part of her daily life.
She told Essence:
“Working out for me, started as something mental. It was a way to release and let some things go.[…]I workout every day, sometimes twice a day.”
“I keep my trainer with me and she travels with me. I love pilates, yoga, and spinning. I also attend boot camp class and they have become my workout family. Doing it with them makes me feel good.”
Fantasia added:
“A lot of my cousins who are my age or are in their 30?s are on high blood pressure pills and it’s like, c’mon, you’re too young for that.”
“I wanted to be the person in my family to stand up and say, okay we have to eat better and workout. I want to be around for a long time. I can’t travel like I do and not be healthy. You know how I move on stage. At any minute I could just pass out and that’s not good.”
“I’m on that health kick right now. This is something I had to do for myself and for my family. I just feel confident. If no one ever says it, I can look in the mirror and say to myself, ‘Good God almighty, you’re a bad mama-jamma!’”
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