(CelebNMusic247-News) Fana Mokoena Talks World War Z South Africa and Zombies
Brad Pitt vehicle World War Z broke out with a terrific $25 million box office earnings for the first weekend.
The zombie thriller, which reportedly cost over $200 million to produce (Paramount is admitting to $190 million), may earn about $63 million over the Friday-to-Sunday period. For a movie whose production was famously troubled, World War Z marks a major marketing win for Paramount. It will easily become the biggest opening of Brad Pitt’s career.
Fans of Brad Pitt flooded the theaters to see their favorite leading man fight to survive and massive outbreak that kills the worlds population. Pitt is forced to go back into the pandemic mayhem to find a cure and save the last survivors from a Zombie Apocalypse that is quickly taking over the world.
Its the must see movie of the summer and we have an EXCLUSIVE one on one with Fana Mokoena that you have to hear.
We had the pleasure of speaking with South African native and 2007 Golden Nymph award nominated actor Fana Mokoena who plays Thierry Umutoni in the Zombie Apocalypse action thriller World War Z.
Fana’s celebrity is shinning bright in World War Z which stars brad Pitt.
Fana (best known for his role as General Bizimungu in the controversial Hotel Rwanda and I had a very interesting conversation about what would happen if a plague like Sars broke out and Zombified the population of the world and you were left to fight to survive and find safety. When talking with Mokoena we compared South Africa and the climate change around the world as signs to pay attention to.
When asked if Zombies could take over the world?
Fana says he is a very optimistic person and that he believes that we would not have to face such a catastrophic pandemic.
During our exclusive conversation the World War Z actor who portrays the UN Secretary, a protagonist role in the film where he rescues Gerry (Brad Pitt) and brings he and his family to safety comes with a price. Gerry is forced to go back into the pandemic pandemonium of mayhem to hopefully find a cure. Fana aka Thierry Umutoni plays a pivotal role in the film that is the only liaison to bring Gerry (Pitt) back to his family.
WWZ is a very realistic look at the what if factor and what happens when your world is turned upside down. When asked about South Africa and its current status Mokoena tells us that he believes that Africa would not survive a zombie apocalypse.
He tells us:
“I think it would be taken over.”
We touched on how the virus initially spreads in the film with the airlines being the main artery of the mass worldwide pandemic. As we talked more about Zombies and World War Z, Fana explained that “A Change always starts with you,” which is a quote from Africa’s President Nelson Mandela. Fana talks about chain reaction and how one person’s behavior can cause a domino effect just like World War Z.
He revealed to us that he was amazed how many people in South Africa believe in zombies to this day. He recalls how a woman he spoke to on Twitter told him that she saw a zombie eating on human remains.
I was personally intrigued by what he revealed to me after his conversation on twitter just a few days ago.
I asked if the zombies were actually undead or sick people.
He replied:
“They are [people] who had their souls extracted from them, so they are a vessel who are used for certain purposes.”
He goes on to tell us about the purpose of the African zombie and how the vessel [person] becomes a lifeless person after a ritual was performed.
Fana explains:
“If witch doctor wants to perform or do something to somebody else, because they don’t want to do it themselves they have the zombie do it, but before they do they have to extract their soul so they can control whatever is dead and whatever is left within the vessel.”
He further explains how it happens, saying:
“The person is first abducted and we think they are dead. The body gets found and they get buried.”
“It is after the body has been buried, that we hear stories of sightings that the previously buried vessel [sole-less body aka zombie] was spotted walking around.”
The topic was riveting, and with the release of WWZ and the popularity of zombies I felt it was a relevant part of the interview to share.
He says he grew up with these stories and they do scare the heck of you.
As for what is next for Fana, he says that he is working on two films currently.
For the full interview please listen to Fana Mokoena’s exclusive and interesting interview with CelebNMusic247.com:
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