(CelebNMusic247-News) Erica Mena – Where Do I Go From Here
Despite all the drama on Love and Hip Hop between Rich Dollaz and Erica Mena it seems that Rich is still repping Erica!
Here is Erica Mena’s new single “Where Do I Go From Here” presented by Rich Dollaz – Dollaz Unlimited Label, so I take it she signed the contract! I wonder what P Gunz is saying?
I have to say mommie is working that cover with that mascara – just running down her face!!!
Erica Mena’s new single “Where Do I Go From Here” on iTunes now! t.co/mE172tZz
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not bad
Back to the gutter where you belong
I liked the running mascara .. pretty cool (RED)
thats cool i see how they doing – jeezy