Draya Regrets Putting Private Life In Spotlight


Draya Regrets Putting Private Life In Spotlight?!?

When it comes to “Basketball Wives LA” star Draya Michele, she knows all too well the downside of reality stardom and now Draya Regrets Putting Private Life In Spotlight.

We all know Draya Michele for her Instagram posts, loud mouth and NO BS attitude on Basketball Wives LA, but since she put her son and her NFL boyfriend Orlando Scandrick in the spotlight things are different.

Once everyone learned that she and Orlando were and item, the world weighed in and she and Scandrick had to be stronger than ever. CelebNMusic247.com caught wind of Draya’s recent interview where she tells LA Confidential Magazine about her regrets of putting her relationship and son in the spotlight.

LA Confidential Magazine asked, What are some challenges that come with being a reality TV star?


Draya replied:

“Just everyone seeing you on TV and thinking that is really you. It is really you, but it is just a small percentage of you—you know? Who I am on reality TV is only about 10% of who I am as a person. Because there are a lot of things I don’t put on TV. So that is really hard. People think they know you from TV and then that’s it, that’s who you are.”

What would you say is a part of your life that you don’t really show on TV?

“I don’t really like to show the inside of my home and my family anymore. I didn’t think it was fitting to put my son and my relationship status on TV anymore.”

What do you think?