(CelebNMusic247-News) Dodgeball 2 Sequel In Development
Hollywood breaking news for fans of the movie Dodgeball, because its getting the long awaited sequel that Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller have been yearning for.
Word is Fox has commissioned a Dodgeball sequel and it is now being written by Clay Tarver, the man behind a 2001 non-Fast and the Furious Paul Walker film called Joy Ride.
Dodgeball 2 is the follow-up to the 2004 film which gave us the proverb “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball” will feature Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller “forced to team up to fight an even bigger threat.”
Although things are pretty vague at this time, Dodgeball 2 will hopefully deliver the comedy like it did before, and hopefully better this time around.
Until a better synopsis evolves we will wait until a trailer for the film is made.
Stay tuned….
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