DL Hughley makes complete sense of what is wrong with America since Donald Trump has become President 45.
Comedian DL Hughley weighs in on Blackface controversy, Donald Trump and racial equality issues. Read on…
CelebNMusic247.com has the latest from comedian DL Hughley who speaks on white people wanting to do blackface.
DL Hughley says that they should go for it, but when they do their credit should drop, they should get high cholesterol, and police should shot them first then arrest.
When it comes to Megan Kelly, he says she tried to claim it was cool when she was a kid, because what she did get is that she grew up in a white neighborhood.
He touches Kanye West and Trump because no smart president would have a bipolar person in the oval office trying to talk sense.
DL makes a point, how can Kanye be a superhero when he’s bipolar and a bit off. The comedian talks that America is already great, but since Trump, he has divided the country.
Next, he touches on states being metaphors for white people and black people. DL Hughley points out that fixing the problems that black people face is what helps the black community. But we have someone out there like Kanye yipping that he wants to make Africa like Wakanda.
It is a great interview with DL Hughley on the Breakfast Club. Listen and Learn.