David Justice Backpedals On Halle Berry Rant


David Justice Backpedals On Halle Berry Rant!!!

After laying into Halle Berry always pointing the finger that it’s her husband’s fault for another failed marriage David Justice Backpedals On Halle Berry Rant.

Yes it appears David caught a touch of the Berry power and has decided to retracts his rant…the sad thing is the media can always find it.

CelebNMusic247.com previously reported that Justice SLAMMED Halle Berry again:

“It was a former Hollywood boyfriend (WS) that she told me ! #getyourfactsright When she first reported that she had been in abusive relationships,she wouldn’t name the “famous” former boyfriend She was mad at me leaving the relationship so she and her Hollywood Team just tried to destroy my character. It had to be my fault,right?”


Justice went to point out how things start great with Halle but as soon as they don’t go here way you’re thrown under the bus. Justice also mentioned Benet and Berry’s other exes Gabriel Aubry and her estranged husband, Olivier Martinez, in a now-deleted tweet [below]:

“Yup..Me,Eric,Gabriel and Olivier were all her ‘Knight in Shining Armor’,until it ends..Then we all become the worst guys in history.”

“Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal there will be another, of course. He’ll be called ‘The Best’ until it ends.”

After going in on Halle and reading her for filth, The former Atlanta Braves player later tweeted explaining:




Did you know that Justice was married to Berry, 49, from 1992 to 1996, and Benet was married to her from 2001 to 2005. Berry and Martinez, 49, announced their split in late October.

What do you think of David Justice Backpedaling On Halle Berry after deleting his twitter Rant?