(CelebNMusic247 – News) D Wade Victim of RACIST RANT
D Wade aka Dwyane Wade recently celebrated his birthday with his Miami Heat teammates and fiancée Gabrielle Union in a big way on a yacht.
The celebration seemed totally harmless, but NOT for a female cop in Massachusetts was outraged to see the black athletes living lavishly and having a good time.
The police officer who should be put on probation for racism is Jennifer Pohl of the Raynham Police Department. She thought it would be smart during her off hours to BLAST D Wade and other black athletes in a Facebook rant.
Like most RACISTS, Raynham Police officer, Jennifer Pohl inappropriately used the word thug to get her angry point across.
Pohl wrote this NASTY remark on her Facebook:
“Every white girl on that boat should be ashamed of themselves…..stupid money hungry whores. These guys are a bunch of dumb black thugs who are lucky they can shoot a basketball, if not for that they would either be dead or in prison…. pathetic!
The American society is brain dead…..these clowns have so much money they have parties on yachts, ugly a*s sneakers, matching Michael Jackson looking jackets, in short WAY TOO MUCH MONEY, while the real heroes, teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, military, among several other struggle to live life, lose homes to foreclosures, cant afford the heating bill in the winter, cant afford to fill their gas tanks all the way to full, yet these idiots act like this. All while the average American family with 2 kids cant afford to go to a game…..PATHETIC!”
Later, she denied her RANT on Facebook claiming her account was hacked after the police department go a hold of the rant.
We smell liar! Thanks to The Rundown we have the screenshot which they obtained: