(CelebNMusic247 News) Crave Review: A Hypnotic Thriller Starring Josh Lawson
A crime scene photographer Aiden (Josh Lawson) is haunted by the street violence and decay around him, so he escapes into a world of vivid dark fantasies filled with gruesome violence.
The film boarder lines on ones sanity of real versus a dream state in a sense of divergent delusions. Aiden is a likeable, yet unstable calm guy who slowly snaps throughout the duration of the film leading up to an explosive argument ends up with a fatal outcome. You know what they say about those calm cool guys who are quite? Watch out, and in this case they truly mean it! The only time Aiden feel whole is after he and his neighbor, Virginia, (Emma Lung) hook up for a quickie that leads to the beginning of an intoxicating new relationship with a beautiful young woman. Aiden is 13 years older than Virginia and begins to smother her because she is the only thing that keeps his mind from wondering into his dark dream state of mind.
The downtrodden photographer is blinded by his own demise and as he slowly falls deeper and deeper down the rabbit whole of insanity. He begins to unravel and fall apart and his world follows behind him. Although, after one horrifying event when Aiden is held up at gunpoint his dark urges begin to surface within him, so he seeks out to find the answer of why? Why did that man steal my phone and wallet? Why did he kill that man in cold blood? What happened to the victim before he exhaled his last breath? It’s all these questions that continue to eat at Aiden’s mind as he begins to have full on conversations with himself. Aiden struggles with reality vs. imagination while at home or shooting crime scenes alongside police investigator Pete (Ron Perlman).
While Aiden struggles to keep his mind right he also pushes himself on his girlfriend Virginia which turns sour. Virginia ends up going back to the Vicodin addicted boyfriend Ravi (Edward Furlong). Aiden is furious, lost and angry with Virginia and begins to stalk her. He follows her to Ravi’s home and the explicit visions of revenge take control and all his dark urges become reality. Aiden is no longer a cool guy because he no longer knows right from wrong and once he’s crossed the line there is no return. He becomes a complete nut-job thanks to all the violence he had been subjected to. It’s that old saying when you talk to police, who always seem a bit hardened and callous to the world because of the horrifying messed up things they’ve been imperiled to.
Crave is directed by Charles de Lauzirika, who takes you into a dark twisted hypnotic state of mind. The film is trance like and visually stimulating filled with shocking imagery of murder and melee. It has a distinguished balance of crazy.
Crave is available on DVD, digital and VOD on Friday, December 6, 2013
Review Score 7.1
Crime | Drama | Thriller
Run Time 113 minutes
Distributed by Phase 4 Films