(CelebNMusic247-News) Chris Bosh & Adrienne Stories are Conflicting
There’s been rumors that Chris Bosh could opt out of his contract or be traded next season, so when Bosh put his home up for sale it caused fans to talk.
A lot of people are reading into this, but let’s not jump to conclusions just yet people.
Let’s keep in mind that the place was robbed and his wife Adrienne is expecting their second child. Maybe they just want an upgrade? Timing is suspicious, but it could be nothing.
Chris Bosh did address the rumors…and so did Adrienne with a twist on the story.
Here’s the drop according to Sun-Sentinal [via YoungSity]:
Following the Miami Heat’s Wednesday practice at the AT&T Center, center Chris Boshspoke of a possible change of address in South Florida. Hours later, his wife took to Twitter saying the couple wasn’t going anywhere.
Earlier, Bosh told the Sun Sentinel he had decided to put his 12,368-square-foot home on North Bay Road on the market, stressing the decision was made with his family in mind, with his wife, Adrienne, expecting the couple’s second child, and not because of concerns about the direction of his playing career.
“Things change,” he said before the Heat practiced in preparation for Thursday’s Game 4 of the NBA Finals, with the Heat down 2-1 in the best-of-seven series. “It’s looking to see if another spot is open.”
But on Twitter, Adrienne Bosh posted, “Our house is def not listed. We are in the middle of building a new nursery.”
Stay tuned!!!
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