(CelebNMusic247-News) Chevy Chase & Beverly D’Angelo Back For ‘Vacation‘ Sequel
If Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill can reprise their roles as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Princess Lea then so can Clark and Ellen Griswold!
Word is, Chevy Chase and Beverly D’Angelo will likely appear in the new version of “Vacation” with Ed Helms and Christina Applegate.
Here’s the drop via Variety:
According to Variety, The duo would once again play Clark and Ellen Griswold, parents to Rusty (Helms); not counting a series of Old Navy ads, it would be the first time Chase and D’Angelo inhabited the Griswolds since “Vegas Vacation” in 1997.
Helms was initially reticent about the idea of a “Vacation” reboot, telling Moviefone in March of last year that he was not “a big fan, conceptually, of remakes,” before adding that “anything done well is going to be good.” Helms was officially cast in the project in July of 2012.
That Chase would be involved in “Vacation” is hardly surprising; the actor was long-rumored for a role in the film, and has a significant amount of free time on his calendar after leaving “Community” last November. Chase had previously said how unfulfilling he found the NBC series.
“I just sort of hung around because I have three daughters and a wife, and I figured out I might as well make some bread, every week, so I can take care of them in the way they want,” Chase told HuffPost UK in September of 2012. “The hours are hideous, and it’s still a sitcom on television, which is probably the lowest form of television.”
Read on about “Vacation,” at Variety…
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