(CelebNMusic247-News) Cemeteries Refuse To Bury Boston Bomber:
Have you heard that cemeteries are refusing to bury the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev aka the Boston Marathon bomber?
Federal authorities searched the apartment of the dead Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev and are reported to have found traces of explosives from a few places in the Cambridge, Massachusetts, house even as cemeteries are refusing to bury the body.
Here’s the drop via 4umf:
The FBI searched the home that Tamerlan shared with his wife and young daughter.
A source briefed on the investigation said investigators found explosives residue in the small apartment. It has turned up in at least three places, the source said: the kitchen table, the kitchen sink and the bathtub, according to CNN.
The suspect’s younger brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, has told authorities that they built the bombs there.
On Sunday, Tamerlan’s body remained at a funeral home, where his uncle said he was trying to deal with the logistics of readying the body for burial.
“I’m here to prepare his body – to wash it, shroud it, to prepare his body,” Ruslan Tsarni was quoted as saying.
The funeral home owner, Peter Stefan, said he still has to find a cemetery willing to accept the body for burial. Three cemeteries that Stefan contacted said they feared reprisals, but the funeral home owner said you can’t pick and choose when it comes to a burial.
The city manager of Cambridge said he would not allow Tamerlan to be buried in the city if requested by the funeral director or the family.
“The difficult and stressful efforts of the citizens of the City of Cambridge to return to a peaceful life would be adversely impacted by the turmoil, protests, and widespread media presence at such an interment,” City Manager Robert W. Healy said in a statement.
Tamerlan died April 19 after he and his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, shot dead a university police officer, carjacked an SUV and hurled bombs at officers pursuing them, according to authorities.
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