(CelebNMusic247-News) Cameron Diaz Talks The Body Book
Cameron Diaz Talks Motivation and turning point that made her decide to write The Body Book!
Cameron Diaz, who wasn’t always the picture of health, but after a few months of kung fu training changed all that, and now she’s written a guide for women to make smart decisions about their bodies. Why The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body?
For Diaz, The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body is about dispelling confusion and letting people know how things work from the eyebrows on down. As Queen Latifah put it this week, she said the book was like a big sister point of view. Cameron Diaz spoke on her new book to LA Times answering some of the more import reasons why a health book?
What motivated you to write “The Body Book”?
“Two years ago I was 39 and having conversations with other women my age, and they kept saying the same things about how they were confused about their bodies and how to get them to where they wanted to be. I thought it was crazy that someone could live their whole life in their own body and not know how it works.
But it’s because we’re not taught. We’re not given good information. I was tired of hearing about women hating their bodies and being forced to compare it to other women. Such comparison is a brutal assault on one’s self.”
What makes your book different from other fitness books?
“It’s about basic education. Diets don’t work. When you’re being told what to do and what to eat and checking off a list that someone else created, you’re not really thinking about what you need to be doing for yourself. You’re just following someone else’s lead.
We should all be experts in our own bodies and how they function. I want people to be happy and healthy and productive, and you can’t tell them how to do that. They have to learn it themselves, so it all comes back to giving them the basics of how the body functions and letting them figure it out from there. I don’t give a diet or fitness plan. I want people to learn critical thinking to figure out their own plan. Or to be able to look at another plan and understand what parts are right for them and how to adapt it to fit their own needs.”
Overall, Cameron has been going hard promoting her new book, which we are hearing great things about, so if you are a female this book is a must buy.
Want to find out more or get your copy of The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body then click the link.
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