Bow Wow Says Empire Promotes Stereotypes


Bow Wow Says Empire Promotes Stereotypes?!?

No offence to Bow Wow but his statement is wet behind the ears, because everything from TV to film plays on stereotypes so why would Bow Wow Says Empire Promotes Stereotypes?

Currently Shad Moss and Erica Mena are planning their wedding, but in his down time from wedding planning and filming CSI: Cyber, Shad Moss claims that Empire is full of black stereotypes.

Would that be a true statement since much of the show is taken from real life incidents and then fictionized.


Despite Bow Wow acknowledging that “Empire” is a huge success for FOX, he hinted in a new interview to Global 14 that he thinks the show is full of black stereotypes.

He states:

“When we were still filming Cyber episodes, Empire‘s first episode premiered. Fans were saying, ‘Man, you should have been on the show.’ But we all don’t rap or play basketball. We can do so many things. There are young African-Americans who are intelligent enough to work at the FBI. That’s what’s so bright. Hopefully, I can help start a new wave of young black actors who don’t want to stereotype themselves.“

Stick to your new series CSI Cyber Bow Wow and keep you statements to yourself.  Worry about this series lasting instead of bashing Empire. You don’t want to end up like Malik Yoba.
