(CelebNMusic247-News) Boondocks’ Aaron McGruder to make Live Action Uncle Ruckus Film
The creator of Boondocks series, Aaron McGruder announced on The Boondocks Facebook page that he has begun planning the production of a live action version centered around the character Uncle Ruckus.
Despite the fact that fans have been patiently waiting for season four of the animated program to return to Adult Swim instead they may be getting a new full length movie.
Here’s the drop:
Gary Anthony Williams, who provides the voice of Ruckus for the TV show, will star as the self-hating handyman viewers love to hate in The Uncle Ruckus Movie.
But don’t look for Huey, Riley, Grandpa, or any of the other residents of the fictional Woodcrest to make an appearance in the film. Aaron McGruder is only focusing on exploring a new storyline for Ruckus. The script will take a look at some part of the Ruckus family that hasn’t been revealed on the show yet.
There have been rumors of a live action Boondocks movie since the cartoon version debuted on Adult Swim in 2005, but in a statement McGruder explains why that has not happened until now.
“There’s always been interest in a live-action Boondocks movie, which to me was out of the question considering Huey and Riley are essentially impossible to cast. The animated feature would cost around 20 million, but a live action Uncle Ruckus movie could cost a fraction of that.”
The only hold up for the film going forward now is funding. As of right now there are no corporate sponsors attached to the project, and even though Sony Studios produces the animated series, the company will not be involved in the production of The Uncle Ruckus Movie.
McGruder has decided to take an independent approach by asking for donations via Kickstarter to help him reach his goal of raising $200,000. Backers who pledge various amounts will receive certain awards for their donation. For example, anyone who pledges $1 or more will receive a digital photo of Uncle Ruckus and a free download of an original Ruckus song. If someone is really supportive of the project they can pledge $10,000 or more and see their name credited as a “co-producer” and also appear in the film. As of this morning the site has already raised over $10,000 from 300 backers.
For more info about The Uncle Ruckus Movie Kickstarter campaign visit kickstarter.com
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