Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce Recap Drama In Honolulu!!!
Tonight on Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce it’s the continuation of Devin being caught with a burger king eating a whole which causes Drama In Honolulu.
Here are the highlights of Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce episode 5 as the gang heads out to Honolulu to perform at Hallowbaloo Music + Arts Festival. Before heading out to Honolulu Freedia is talking to Katy about Devin being caught out in Mississippi with another woman or as Freedia says: Freedia wants to fly home and cancel his tour, but the Queen Diva is forced to push on and leave the drama behind. Stick a pin in it until the tour is over. [rpi] Later the crew arrives in Honolulu to have some fun in the sun, and play in the water. While the boys are getting their beach on, Freedia is trying to stay positive and avoid any calls from Devon. Freedia and the crew heads out to a luau to get the full experience of Polynesian culture. Lastly the crew performs at Hallowbaloo Music + Arts Festival 2014 but during their performance it begins to rain and the everything gets messed up. Unfortunately, the bass drops out, Freedia’s mic stops working and the show is over. Freedia is pissed. The next day the crew has a spiritual gathering and see a sign when seven segals fly across the water – they take it as a sign since there is 7 of them. On their last day in paradise Freedia tells Tootie that when the head to Voodoo Fest they will be adding two dancers to the show. She asks about Step and Freedia says he hasn’t heard from her. If you remember she rebelled Freedia’s growth when she added dancers, so Step was cut from the group. Tootie is upset with Freedia and calls him out saying that if he’s gonna add more dancers than Steph needs to be one or it shows the Freedia forgot where he came from. Meanwhile, back home in New Orleans, Wilberto is prepping Tamika and her sister to dance in Freedia’s big tour finale show at NOLA’s Voodoo Experience festival:
Until next week…. But first here is a sneak peek at the season finale of Big Freedia:
Catch up with Big Freedia:
Episode 2:
Episode 1:
Catch up with Big Freedia: The Queen of Bounce – watch Season 1 and 2 Here...
Big Freedia: Queen of Bounce comes to an explosive season finale Wednesday, April 1 at 11/10c