(CelebNMusic247-News) Bethenny Frankel Accepts “Never Finding Great Love”
Since Bethenny Frankel’s talk show bethenny premiered this week she is on the promo path to boost ratings by revealing her felling since she divorced husband Jason Hoppy.
Bethenny Frankel opened up to People Magazine (print edition) about recovering from what she believed was ‘Hoppily Ever After’ in between begging us to watch her new show.
Bethenny says of the implosion of her brief marriage happening in front of TV, but the former Real Housewives star failed to mentionJason’s name throughout the entire article, interestingly. Wonder if that gag order rumor was true?!
“You never think you’re going to be in these situations, and then suddenly you are.”
Though, Bethenny admits that she she is soured on the idea of a fairy tale love story and her history with men and with reality TV, saying:
“Part of my identity was always looking for a man. I always wanted to meet someone – to complete you, take care of you.”
Bethenny Frankel tearfully divulged:
“And I’ve accepted the fact that I might never find that great love and that authentic real relationship the way that it’s supposed to feel.”
“It’s ironic.”
“By the time you’re reading fairy tales to your kids, you’re discovering that they might not come true.”
Despite two failed marriages and one acrimonious pending divorce, Bethenny Frankel fully admits that while she is on hiatus from love, she hasn’t lost all hope of finding it, declaring:
“Men aren’t a priority right now – at all.”
“It would take away from important things that I’m not willing to sacrifice.”
“I don’t believe in The One or only one soulmate.”
“I don’t think that was my last shot at happiness.”
“Maybe there is The One, but that doesn’t mean it’s the person you live with your entire life. Your soulmate may or may not be the person you married. It doesn’t happen often.”
Bethenny Frankel adds, via her talk show:
“Fairy tales come in different packages. Having the most beautiful daughter in the world is mine,”
“So is having the opportunity to connect with women”
Right now Bethenny describes herself as “emotionally unavailable” and insists she is not dating anyone:
“A lot of me is shut down right now. I’m a little fragile.” Luckily she has her talk show to pull her through. “The show is a distraction,” Bethenny’s friend tells the magazine. And so is Bryn. “The look in my daughter’s eyes can fill me like 10 loves of a lifetime,”Bethenny gushed.
“I finally realized that you can have it all… but not all at once.”
“I had talked about that regarding food, but I didn’t realize it also translates to life.”
As for her divorce, she is disappointed that things have turned so ugly:
“I wanted to be like Bruce Willis and Demi Moore,” Bethenny laments of her hopes for an amicable split. Perhaps she shouldn’t have filed for SOLE CUSTODY then?!”
“I’m stronger than I ever imagined I could be,” Bethenny expresses. And part of that strength means a continue living arrangement with her ex-husband. The ex-couple is still residing together in their Tribeca loft, (“for Bryn. So there will be a sense of stability.”)
Speaking of which, Bethenny Frankel and Jason met in court today to continue to battle for custody of their daughter. “They completely avoided eye contact and communication despite being within three feet of each other,” a witness tells Life & Style.
“He couldn’t bring himself to look at her.” Following the hearing Bethennyhurried out and seemed frazzled, while Jason predictably had a calmer demeanor.
And finally, Bethenny’s first week viewer numbers are in for her talk show. And well – she probably shouldn’t have decimated her image by filing for divorce! She always did say Jason made her look bad…
The Monday premiere had so-so numbers and then dropped consistently. Bethenny “was off by a tenth in each category from its so-so premiere,” explained Deadline, who describes her show as off to a “soft start” and comments that it had the same initial ratings as Ricki Lake and JeffProbst‘s now canceled talk shows! Ouch!
Will Bethenny Frankel’s talk show surivive sweeps? We are enjoying the show, because its way better than the dud Kris Jenner who couldn’t even pull things off with a celebrity co-host. NOTE TO TALK SHOW PILOTS, if your host can’t hold the audiences attention by themself, then the show is a flop in the making no matter how many big names you put on the show to help boost ratings.
As for Bethanny, she is interesting, but revealing romance woes won’t make fans like her, instead it will back lash, maybe I should get back to producing and doing what I do best in the TV world, because her PR is taking the wrong approach.
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