(CelebNMusic247-News) Best Man Holiday and Thor Box Office Results End in Racist Headline
USA Today got highly criticized for their Best Man Holiday and Thor box office headline!
On Monday (Nov 18) USA Today post a title about the Best Man Holiday beating out Thor which read “‘Holiday’ nearly beats ‘Thor’ as race-themed film soars.”
Why does black films have to be race themed?
What happened to star-studded cast, or long-awaited sequel?
It seems Scott Bowles of USA Today does have a racist bone in his body and his humor surfaced the truth today, especially when it comes to Best Man Holiday and Thor. And where was the chief editor to catch that horrible title?
Here is the drop via AwesomelyLuvvie:
The Best Man Holiday was released in theaters this Friday and it beat Thor in ticket sales that day. But Thor came from behind and earned $38 million for the weekend, edging out BHM’s $31 million. I (and people who use logic) expected the film to perform well because there’s been a lot of buzz around it and people made it a group outing and folks have heard just how good it is.
Scott Bowles of USA Today wrote a piece titled “‘Holiday’ nearly beats ‘Thor’ as race-themed film soars” and when outrage poured in, he changed it to “‘Holiday’ nearly beats ‘Thor’ as diverse films soar.” EPIC FAIL!
With that logic, then Girls is “race-themed” too. It’s about boring white girls who live in NYC. So was Friends which is about hilarious white yuppies in NYC. And Titanic was a race-themed biopic about white folks who drowned on a cruise ship that crashed.
Hollywood thinks that any movie with a mostly-Black cast is a “Black movie” instead of simply just a MOVIE. I wish they’d call movies with only melanin-deficient folks “white movies” too. EQUAL NARROW-MINDEDNESS FOR ALL!!! But that won’t happen because white is the default.
But “race-themed” is clearly code for Black and dude just couldn’t say it with his chest. Ol’ “I’m gonna talk around the elephant in the room that I dragged there” journalist. This is why USA Today can’t have nice things. Because he goes on to say “Cultures have been hot sellers at the turnstiles this year” and he compares the film to 12 Years a Slave, Fruitvale Station and The Butler. That’s like comparing Love Actually to Schindler’s List. WTF?!? And “cultures?” Sir… STAHP!
Well USA Today has revised their most racist headline to ‘Best Man Holiday’ nearly beats mighty ‘Thor’
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