(CelebNMusic247-News) Angelina Jolie Hating on Sandra Bullock?
Could Angelina Jolie be that petty about Sandra Bullock beating her out of the role of a life time with Gravity?
Basically the tabloids are at it again about Brad Pitt‘s wifey, Angelina Jolie and how she is FURIOUS with Sandra Bullock for landing the lead role in Gravity.
Angelina has been known to dislike Jennifer Aniston (Brad’s ex that she stole from her) and Jon Hamm and a few other stars in Hollywood.
Hey they can’t all be friends right?
Anyways, the gist of the story is that Angelina is “feuding” with Sandra Bullock because Sandra “stole” the lead role in Gravity. Let’s say that Sandra “homewrecked” the role, maybe? From what I remember of the preproduction of Gravity, director Alfonso Cuarón really, really wanted Angelina for the lead role. The studio really wanted her too, because if they were going to spend tens of millions of dollars on a high-concept space movie with a woman in the lead role, they wanted a big name actress and Angelina Jolie was on the top of everyone’s list. However, it was widely reported back then that Angelina Jolie turned down the role multiple times, with multiple 8-figure salaries attached.
Now the tabloid is claiming that Angelina has declared ‘war‘ on Sandra, and gives a long list of reasons on why Angie apparently ‘hates‘ Sandra.
Yeah, she ‘hates’ Sandra so much that she praised her acting in Gravityrecently, calling it one of the best performances she’s ever seen. She ‘hates’ Sandra, which is why their kids often have play dates together. And of course, what better sign of hatred is there than spending time together and praising each other? I mean, really? Sandra and Angelina have done nothing but support each other for the past twenty years in the industry, and they’ve been vocal about their support for their female counterparts in the business.
Of course, Star makes it seem like since Angelina dropped out of Gravity, and then Sandra ended up gaining commercial and critical acclaim for it, and she’s allegedly just jealous. But in all honesty, I doubt that Angie gives a sh*t about that anymore.
And seriously, tabloids have GOT to stop creating female feuds out of thin air. Why can George Clooney and Brad Pitt be best friends and ‘bros’ when they often compete for the same roles, yet female actresses can’t? The whole things sounds completely fake, but tabloids need to sell magazines.
Moreover, due to the success of Gravity and the fact that Sandra Bullock may take home the Oscar for her performance in the film, Jolie has apparently fired her manager?
Here’s the drop via Page Six:
Angelina Jolie fans, rejoice! You will no doubt be seeing more of the lush-lipped actress now that she finally has an agent.
For years, Jolie has relied on her controlling manager, Geyer Kosinski, who blocked her from the Hollywood community and demanded producing credits and fees for himself on most of her projects.
But Kosinski’s stock tumbled with “Gravity,” when the monster hit moved from Universal to Warner Bros. over money and Jolie was replaced by Sandra Bullock, who will reap a fortune and probably get a Best Actress Oscar nomination.
Now that Jolie has signed with UTA, insiders say Kosinski has been marginalized, but can save face by saying he’s still “involved.” Said one source, “He gets nothing, unless it’s a project he brings to her.”
Is any of this true? Maybe the manager part and maybe some regret for turning down the role, but we doubt she hates Sandra Bullock.
What do you think?
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