(CelebNMusic247 – News) Amish Mafia Christmas Special Makes Children Cry
Remember the reality series, Amish Mafia, well it has returned to RUIN the Christmas Holiday making children cry with Amish Mafia: A Very Amish Christmas!
Amish Mafia returned for a Christmas special, Amish Mafia: A Very Amish Christmas, and the gift that Merlin had for the children of Lancaster, Pennsylvania was that he was going to ruin their Christmas.
Merlin explained:
“They have confused Christmas with Santa Claus and pagan worship, and it should be about the birth of Christ and nothing else.”
Merlin decided to set them straight, telling a group of stunned children:
“Santa’s a big, fat liar and a fraud.”
“Santa’s evil. He’s actually Satan. Don’t believe in him, because he’s gonna take you down the wrong path.”
Merlin said proudly:
“I won’t stop until every child in America knows that there is no such thing as Santa Claus.”
He had children in tears, but he didn’t care. He told them Santa wears gloves because he has hooves and that they should always run from fat men in red suits. And then, as he walked away he blew up an animatronic Santa Claus. Penn Live’s Julia Hatmaker couldn’t believe what she saw, saying that she was crying for the kids, too.
What is worse is Amish Mafia compares Santa to Satan!
This is OUTRAGEOUS, DISGUSTING and Trully WRONG for an adult to tell young minds not to believe in the unknown. It’s people like Merlin who give Amish a bad name as well as effecting young minds by killing their dreams, hopes and aspirations.
The Amish Mafia: A Very Amish Christmas was NOT special at all!
We are sorry he turned out so bitter and nasty, but he NEEDS to learn to keep it to himself. Santa Claus should give NASTY Merlin Coal in his stockings. BOOOOO!