Amazing Spider Man Loses Director Marc Webb
Don’t freak out Amazing Spider Man fans, but we have some bad news that director Marc Webb is saying goodbye to the Amazing Spider-Man franchise. has learned director Marc Webb has annouced that he WON’T be coming back for a third installment of the Amazing Spider Man franchise which is scheduled for a 2016 release.
After Columbia Pictures announced an aggressive slate of Spidey movies at least through 2018’s “Amazing Spider-Man 4” Marc Webb pulled out. That doesn’t even count the planned spinoffs focusing on the web-slinging hero’s stable of villains. Webb told Entertainment Weekly a month and a half before “Amazing Spider-Man 2” swings into theaters.
“I want to help and contribute, but I think three movies … honestly, that’s it for me.”
“I want to try other things.”
It’s unclear if the man behind the mask, Andrew Garfield, would return after “Spider-Man 3,” which completes his three-picture contract. However, Garfield told Yahoo! Movies in December:
“As far as a fourth one? That’s not anything to do with me.”
“But yeah, I think what we’re doing here is we’ve established the world. And now we get to really play inside that world.”
Webb is following in the footsteps of his predecessor, Sam Raimi, who dropped out of a fourth “Spider-Man” film, paving the way for Columbia to reboot the franchise with a new director in 2012.
That strategy proved successful for Webb’s “Amazing Spider-Man” earned $752 million worldwide at the box office.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 opens May 4, 2014.
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