Alec Baldwin and Mitt Romney Aide Feuding


Alec Baldwin and Mitt Romney Aide Feuding

Alec Baldwin sure know how to get attention with the media. Today former 30 Rock star took to social media engaging in a bitter fight with a former aide to Mitt Romney.

Balbwin, 56, unleashed a string of angry remarks towards Garrett Jackson which two of them with homophobic overtones.







And then, just as quickly, he deleted it all. Jackson, though, had been manually retweeting Baldwin’s comments, along with his own, which appear below in the order they were published.

It seems Alec was making a sarcastic remark towards Romney’s aide, that has been completely blown out of proportion to grab media attention. Baldwin calls it the game and had this to say about how it all works. However, realizes that Alec was NOT going out without the last word BLASTING the following outlets for twisting the truth; Breitbart, Buzzfeed and the Dailymail.

He tweets:




